Butwal to Bardia NP - Day 6

We were warned it would be tough going today and it didn't disappoint. It was only 304 kms from the hotel to our stop for the night but the roads and traffic made for an interesting day. Yesterday and today we rode through a few police checkpoints and were not stopped....... until this morning. We were stopped and asked to produce our licenses. We do have our international licenses. but they were in our bags on the support vehicle. Prabin, our guide somehow managed to get us through without providing our licenses which was a relief. The young policeman asked both of our lady riders how old they were and was surprised with their response. Once we got the all clear we were waved through and on our way again. Ann did mention how cute he was but I didn't notice surprisingly enough. A few hours in and we were making our way up the hills again and through more roadworks. Suddenly traffic came to a standstill because 2 busses tried to navigate the same small pass at the same time ...