Srijana Farm to the Cliffs at Kushma - Day 10

Our itinerary was changed because of roadworks and we were glad it was. We were given one of three options for today.

Option 1: a full day off road to end up at our destination.
Option 2: mostly sealed road but s short section of rough off road.

Option 3: Return to Pokhara and come back via sealed roads.

After yesterdays fight with the roadworks we deicided on Option 2. Now one thing you need to know about distance in Nepal. A Nepali kilometre can vary from 2 to 10 km depending on who tells you. 

We left the Srijana Farm after a delicious breakfast of all local delicacies. The first few hours on the road were relatively easy by comparison to other days. After a coffee stop and a lunch stop we started our "off road" venture. Off road here takes on a totally different meaning to what we are used to. WE have unsealed roads in Australia that may have a few pot holes here and there. Here in Nepal we have potholes that have a few bits of road in between. Our average speed would have been around 15Kph for the best part of an hour until we stopped for a much needed break. We stretched our weary bodies and hoped the off road would end soon, but this was not to be. The road seemed to be getting worse and it really took all of our off road training skills to navigate this section. So glad we chose the short off road instead of the all day off road.

After another few hours of "Off Road" riding and a couple more breaks we stopped at a bus stop. A couple of young lads were walking up the hill with a home made scooter and carrying a couple of 25 litre buckets with some clothes in them. As we have done on previous rides, we gave them a small Koala that can clip on their clothes,. The boys thought that was pretty cool and ran off home. about 5 minutes later half the village, mostly kids, came down the hill to see us. We felt really bad because we didn't have any more koalas. Prabin said that they were just happy to see some one not from the village. After a stack of photos with Peter and me, we had to say good bye and tackle the last leg for the day.

The road seemed to be getting harder to ride. Imagine a cobblestone road made of all different shaped rocks, and then give them all different heights, That is what we had to ride on. It was hard but we all got through it with only minor skirrmishes.

Our stay for the night is "The Cliff" at Kushma. We are roughing it tonight in tents....... well glamping actually. Ann and I were fortunate enough to chat with the manager/owner of the establishment who gave us a brief history on how it came to be. Today was a hard day but the destination was worth the pain.


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