The Cliffs @Kushma to Pokhara - Day 11


Today was  the last day of our motorcycle odyssey and day 10 of our Nepal holiday. Our stay at the Cliffs was amazing. The food was first class and the staff and accommodation was the pinnacle of our bike tour. This is not just a lavish glamping experience. It is also the worlds second highest bungy jump at 228 metres and swing. It is also the world's longest and highest sky cycle, as well as sky surfing, zip line, and a range of other activities for the thrill seeker in you. The manager said he has plans to make it better by putting in a pool and also a spa with massage. It is no wonder it was a popular place for locals and international visitors.

Sadly though we had to leave as we had a schedule to meet. After breakfast, we made our way back to the bikes and mounted up for a ride to the suspension bridge. The plan was for some of us to ride across the bridge and then turn around and ride back. When we got there, the bridge was pretty busy with pedestrian traffic and it made good sense not to disrupt the locals only means of transport across the river for want of a quick thrill. Back on the road and we navigated our way back through the village streets and onto the road back to Pokhara. Riding through numerous switchbacks and small villages, we stopped to top up fuel and a well earned rest and stretch.

It wasn't long after we started out that one of the bikes had some engine trouble. I noticed Zelda's bike had suddenly started blowing smoke earlier, which was strange as until now it never showed signs of smoke. Well it got too much for the spark plug and it fouled up totally shutting down the engine. I watched in the mirror and saw the mechanic Surya had pulled over with her and our whole group pulled over further down the road. Across the road from where we had stopped a little boy around 2 years old was running away from his grandmother, who was trying to give him some milk. I had a koala to take over and when I crossed the road and said hello, the little boy ran towards me with his arms out for a hug. I squatted down and he gave me the biggest hug. I gave him the koala and he was intrigued with it. His grandmother watching with a big smile, tried to give him the milk again but he wanted none of it. I took a selfie with him but he moved at the last minute. It really was a special moment for me and one I will cherish from this trip. 

All of the countries Ann and I have ridden in the kids we come across are so happy and always smiling. They don't have much but what they do have they cherish. Just to share that smile and look of joy or intrigue when we give them a small gift is priceless. When we leave the country, the one thing we always remember are the kids. It was a fitting end to a great expedition for me, but the ride wasn't over yet. We still had a little way to go and took a series of switchbacks and back roads down the hill until we were back in Pokhara. The traffic wasn't too bad and before long we were back at Hearts and Tears Motorcycle Club. We had time to get out of our bike gear now and pack up ready for our flight to Kathmandu later today. We had to take the mandatory group photo.
From left to right we have Samuel (AKA MR Sexy), Michael, Prabin (AKA Prabin Hood), Zelda, Peter, Annie, Adrian (Me), Shakti (AKA The Apprentice, AKA The Baby Faced Assasin), and Surya (AKA The Doctor).

With that all down and our gear ready for our flight, we went out for our last meal as a group. We talked about the experience we had and thanked everyone for their efforts. With lunch finished we sadly had to say our goodbyes and Mr Sexy took us to the airport. We got a surprise at the airport to see The Apprentice there to help us unload our bags. Once again we said our goodbyes and headed into the terminal to check in. 

At the check in counter we were asked if we would all like to go on the earlier flight so we all said yes. We were told the flights were delayed but we should still be on the way fairly soon. At the departure security counter, there was a line for men and a line for women. After experiencing a different security screening of X-rayed luggage and a pat down for all the male passengers we were allowed into the departure area. I really wanted to try that in the women's line but Ann wouldn't let me. our 1520 flight was now a 1500 departure flight, but was now delayed until 1600. So even with an earlier flight we were still late. We eventually boarded and taxied out to the runway, then turned around and back on the holding area. we had to wait for two incoming flights so another 20 minute wait for the free runway. Finally we got the all clear and were on our way in our twin engine turbo prop plane.

Twenty minutes later we were landing in Kathmandu, and fighting for our luggage. Our driver was waiting and once all our luggage was collected we were on our way to the Hotel. The traffic was horrendous and we were so glad we didn't have to do this on a bike. Arriving at our hotel and we are greeted by another Prabin, who Peter, Zelda and Michael had already met earlier.

Up in our rooms we had a well needed shower and freshen up before dinner. I will leave it here for now and get a well deserved sleep.

Day 12 -  The Holi Festival at Kathmandu


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